Lisa Herman

1386 Florida Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
831 233-0904
Ph.D. (8/01) California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco: Integral Studies
with a research concentration in Learning and Change in Human Systems
(Distance Learning)
Dissertation: Engaging the Disturbing Images of Evil
(arts-based 1research conducted on a meditation retreat
in Auschwitz, a play 'Survivors' and journaling.)
M.Sc. (8/73) California State University, Hayward
Educational Psychology, Counseling
Limited (8/72) University of California, Berkeley
Status Psychology (Phi Beta Kappa)
(2nd B.A.)
B.A. (5/69) York University, Toronto
Major: English Literature Minor: French Literature
I receive ongoing training working through the arts.
Past Executive Co-Chair International Expressive Arts Therapy Association (IEATA 2014 - 2016)
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Supervisor (#40904)
Registered Expressive Arts Therapist (REAT)
Clinical Member International Association of Expressive Arts Therapists (IEATA)
Instructor, ‘Roots of Empathy’ (anti-bullying program K-8), Toronto
Community College Teaching Credential, California
Community College Counseling Credential, California
Certified Member Ontario Association of Counselors, Consultants, Psychometrists and Psychotherapists (OACCPP)
Advisory Committee: Peacebuilders International (Toronto, Canada)
Registered Counselor, Israel
Canadian Writers Union
MENSA Canada
Academic Employment
2017 - Present California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS), San Francisco, CA.
Associate Professor, Ph.D. committee member
1996 - Present Meridian University, Petaluma, California
Core Faculty
2003 - 2016 CREATE (formerly ISIS-Canada), Toronto.
Acting Co-Director (2001-2002), (2005-2006)
Faculty: Graduate Training in the Expressive Arts: Weekend Intensives (Ethics,
Lifespan Development, Arts-Based Research)
2007 - 2014 Institute for Transpersonal Psychology (ITP), Palo Alto, California
Associate Faculty, Director Creative Expression
ProSeminar: Creative Expression
Advanced Clinical Skills; Ph.D. Dissertation Advisor
2007- 2009 Heald College
Online Faculty: Design and Teach, Introduction to Psychology
2003 - 2009 Corinthian Colleges, Inc. (CCi)
Online Faculty: General Psychology; Critical Thinking Skills Strategies for
Success; Faculty Trainer
2002 - 2008 European Graduate School. Leuk, Switzerland.
Adjunct Faculty; Masters Thesis Advisor
2002 - 2007 Fleming College – Haliburton School of The Arts, Haliburton, ON
Adjunct Faculty: Exploring Childhood Through the Arts
2005 – 2006 International School for Interdisciplinary Studies (ISIS-Israel)
Guest Lecturer; Design and Teaching: Theater for Therapists, Faculty
Clinical Work
1974 – Present Private Psychotherapy and Consulting Practice: San Francisco (Previously in Monterey, Berkeley, Los Angeles, Haifa, Toronto)
Individual, couple, child, adolescents, family and group; Supervision;
Consulting; Weekend workshops
2005 - 2006 Roots of Empathy, Toronto
Instructor: Anti-Bullying Program for K thru 8
1991 - 1998 Creche Family & Child Centre, Toronto
Senior Therapist: adoption, fostering, sexual abuse and neglect (infants and pre- schoolers and their families; practicu
1985 - 1988 Na’amat, Tel Aviv, Israel
Group Facilitator: Women’s issues
1986 - 1988 Lin Hospital, Haifa, Israel
Mental Health Case-worker, Oncology
1984 - 1986 Soroka Hospital, Beersheva, Israel
Mental Health Caseworker (group, couple, individual)
1980 – 1982 Be’ersheva Prison, Be’ersheva
Case worker: First time offenders and families
2017: Playing with Auschwitz: a liminal inquiry into evil. In E.G. Levine & S. K Levine (Eds.), New developments in expressive arts therapy: The play of poeisis. London, UK: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
2015: Review: Attunement in the Expressive Arts – Towards An Understanding of Embodied Empathy. M. Kossak. Charles C. Thomas Publishers Ltd. In Journal of Applied Arts and Health: Springfield, Ill.
2015: Transpersonal Space/Time Through the Arts. International Journal of Transpersonal Studies. Volume 34
2013: Playing with Auschwitz: A liminal inquiry into images of evil. In Poeisis: A Journal of the Arts and Education. Vol. 15. Toronto: EGS Press.
2013: Transpersonal Experience and the Arts: From the Chauvet Cave to Occupy Wall Street. In H. Friedman & G. Hartelius (Eds.), The Wiley-Blackwell handbook of transpersonal psychology. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
2012: Anomalous Experience in a Therapeutic Context. In Anomalous Experience (ed. C. D. Murray). Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
2010: Toying with Auschwitz. In ‘Against Doing Nothing: Evil and Its Manifestations’ (eds. S. Smith & S. Hill). Oxfordshire, U.K.: Inter-Disciplinary Press.
2010: Review: Trauma, Tragedy, Therapy: The Arts and Human Suffering, S.K. Levine. Jessica Kingsley Publishers, London and Philadelphia (2009). In The Arts in Psychotherapy. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier Publishing.
2010: Historical Trauma: an imaginal perspective. In ReVision: a journal of consciousness and transformation. Vol. 31 (1). Middletown, CA: Revision Publishing.
2009: Engaging the Disturbing Images of Evil: How do those born after remember Auschwitz? Saarbrucken, Germany: VDM Verlag.
2009 (Spring): 10th Contribution to Ripening Seeds, The Harvest of Approaches in Expressive Arts Therapy (ed. K. T. Donohue). In IEATA (International Association of Expressive Arts Therapists) Annual Newsletter.
2008: Now’s the Time to Think. In ‘In Praise of Poiesis: The Arts and Human Existence’ (eds. P. Antze & E. Levine). Toronto: EGS Press.
2008 (June): Toying with Auschwitz. In Perspectives on Evil and Human Wickedness: An Inter-Disciplinary and Multi-Disciplinary Journal.
2006: What is our response to madness? In ISIS-Report 2006, editorial.
2005: Art Heals by Shaun McNiff: A review. In Poeisis: A Journal of the Arts and Communication, Vol. 5. Toronto: EGS Press.
2005: Researching the Images of Evil: an arts-based methodology in liminal space. In Qualitative Inquiry, Vol. 11 (3). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
2003: Rage by Michael Eigen. A review. In Poeisis: A Journal of the Arts and Communication, Vol. 4. Toronto: EGS Press
2002: Engaging Evil in a Post-Modern World. In Poiesis: A Journal of the Arts and Communication, Vol. 3. Toronto: EGS Press.
2001: Engaging the Disturbing Images of Evil. Dissertation Abstracts International, 62 06, 2255A. (UMI No. 3016606)
2000: A Methodology for Arts-Based Research: Entering the Worm-Hole - Inviting Disturbing Images into Liminal Space. In Poiesis: A Journal of the Arts and Communication, Vol. 2. Toronto: EGS Press.
1997: Good Enough Fairy Tales for Resolving Sexual Abuse Trauma. In Arts in Psychotherapy, Vol. 23 (5), pp. 439 - 445. New York: Pergamon Press.
1996: Symposium 1996. In C.R.E.A.T.E. Journal of the Creative and Expressive Arts Therapies Exchange, Vol. 6, p. 73.
1992: Border Crossing. Toronto: Mosaic Press Publishers.
1989: Shivitti: a vision. (co-translator) San Francisco: Harper & Row.
1989: Bourgeois Blues. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart Inc.
2018, April: Transforming Unsettling Imagery in the News through the Arts to Increase Empowerment, 2nd Annual Summit: Creativity in the Arts & Healing, Los Angeles, CA.
2013, March: Arts-Based Research. 10th International Conference of the International Expressive Arts Therapy Association (IEATA). Expressive Arts in the Winds of Change, Berkeley, CA.
2012, November: Insight Dialogue. 10th International Conference on Transformative Learning. A Future for Earth: Re-Imagining Learning for a Transforming World, Berkeley, CA.
2011, May: The Poetic Body: Integrating somatic psychology and the expressive arts. Panel at Meridian University, Petaluma, CA.
2011, January: It was a lovely day in Auschwitz. Choral reading in Auschwitz for the Psychodrama-Institut für Europa held in June 2010 and published 2011 in the Institut newsetter.
2009, August: Staying Light on our Feet: Forbidden Responses to Oppression. 8th International. Conference, International Expressive Arts Therapy Association, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
2008, March: Toying with Auschwitz. Paper and DVD presented at the Ninth Annual Conference on Evil and Wickedness, Salzburg, Austria.
2005, November 7: A Thousand Threads: a story told through Yiddish letters. A staged reading at Leah Posluns Theatre, Toronto.
2005, November: Rendezvous with Madness. Panel at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Film Festival, Toronto.
2005, July: Engaging Evil. Conference – ‘Education and Imagination’, Simon
Fraser University, British Columbia
2003, July: Remembering What You Weren’t There For. Sewanee Writers’ Conference, University of the South, Sewanee, Arkansas.
2003, October: Engaging the Disturbing Images of Evil Through the Arts. Fifth International Transformative Learning Conference Innovative Session, Columbia University, New York
2003, March: Engaging the Disturbing Images of Evil. Presentation for the Center for Arts-Informed Research, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Toronto.
2001: Innovative Workshop: Insight Dialogue. Co-presenter at the Transformative Learning Conference, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Toronto
2001, October: The Trickster at Auschwitz. Paper presented at conference of the Semiotic Society of America, Toronto
2001, June: How do we respond to genocide? Paper presented on panel "Teaching About Genocide" at conference of The Association of Genocide Scholars, Minneapolis, MN
2001, February: Online Learners Learn How Online Communities Learn. Paper presented at conference Stop Surfing - Start Teaching, Myrtle Beach, S. Carolina
1999: Online Learners Learn How Online Communities Learn. Paper presented at Spotlight on the Future at the National Educational Computing Conference, Atlantic City, NJ
1999: Ourstory: A Progress Report By Online Ph.D. Students About Developing Collaborative Qualitative Documentation Using As Text Their Own Learning Community's Process. Paper presented at Advances in Qualitative Methods. Edmonton: University of Alberta.
1997: Play Therapy. Presentation at International Play Therapy Assoc. Conference, San Antonio.
1997: Play Therapy. Presentation at International Play Therapy Assoc. Conference, Honolulu.
1997: Play Therapy. Presentation at International Play Therapy Assoc. Conference, Orlando
1996: Exploring Ego States Through Play. Presentation at International Play Therapy Assoc. Conference, Toronto.
1995: Working with Abused Children. Presented with 'Helping Bosnian Refugees' at The Easter Symposium for Expressive Arts Therapists, Leuk, Switzerland.
'Survivors' 1975

'Survivors' 1975