Lisa Herman
Public Presentations
2013 Arts-Based Research. At 10th International Conference of the International Expressive Arts Therapy Association (IEATA). Expressive Arts in the Winds of Change, Berkeley, CA.

2012 Insight Dialogue. At 10th International Conference on Transformative Learning. A Future for Earth: Re-Imagining Learning for a Transforming World, Berkeley, CA.
2011 The Poetic Body: Integrating somatic psychology and the expressive arts. Panel at Meridian University, Petaluma, CA.
2011 It was a lovely day in Auschwitz. Choral reading in Auschwitz for the Psychodrama-Institut für Europa held in June 2010 and published 2011 in the Institut newsetter.

2009 Staying Light on our Feet: Forbidden Responses to Oppression. 8th International. Conference, International Expressive Arts Therapy Association, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
2008 Toying with Auschwitz. Paper and DVD presented at the Ninth Annual Conference on Evil and Wickedness, Salzburg, Austria.
2005 A Thousand Threads: a story told through Yiddish letters. A staged reading at Leah Posluns Theatre, Toronto.
2005 Rendezvous with Madness. Panel at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Film Festival, Toronto.
2005 Engaging Evil. Conference - 'Education and Imagination', Simon Fraser University, British Columbia
2003 Remembering What You Weren't There For. Sewanee Writers' Conference, University of the South, Sewanee, Arkansas.
2003 Engaging the Disturbing Images of Evil Through the Arts. Fifth International Transformative Learning Conference Innovative Session, Columbia University, New York
2003 Engaging the Disturbing Images of Evil. Presentation for the Center for Arts-Informed Research, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Toronto.
2001 Innovative Workshop: Insight Dialogue. Co-presenter at the Transformative Learning Conference, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Toronto
2001 The Trickster at Auschwitz. Paper presented at conference of the Semiotic Society of America, Toronto
2001 How do we respond to genocide? Paper presented on panel "Teaching About Genocide" at conference of The Association of Genocide Scholars, Minneapolis, MN
2001 Online Learners Learn How Online Communities Learn. Paper presented at conference Stop Surfing - Start Teaching, Myrtle Beach, S. Carolina
1999 Online Learners Learn How Online Communities Learn. Paper presented at Spotlight on the Future at the National Educational Computing Conference, Atlantic City, NJ
1999 Ourstory: A Progress Report By Online Ph.D. Students About Developing Qualitative Documentation Using As Text Their Own Learning Community's Process. Paper presented at Advances in Qualitative Methods. Edmonton: University of Alberta.
1997 Play Therapy. Presentation at International Play Therapy Assoc. Conference, San Antonio.
1997 Play Therapy. Presentation at International Play Therapy Assoc. Conference, Honolulu.
1997 Play Therapy. Presentation at International Play Therapy Assoc. Conference, Orlando
1996 Exploring Ego States Through Play. Presentation at International Play Therapy Assoc. Conference, Toronto.
1995 Working with Abused Children. Presented with 'Helping Bosnian Refugees' at The Easter Symposium for Expressive Arts Therapists, Leuk, Switzerland.